About my journey.
Well, well. It's been quite a long ride for me until I discovered what I was meant to do with my life. Being always on the road, always looking for new experiences and trying to get to know as many new interesting people and places as I could. I was restless. I felt I was missing something. There was this empty space inside my heart, a void. I felt I couldn't fill with anything...
And then, I found that missing piece on the mat.
Yoga helped me understand that I wasn't missing anything at all, beside a connection with my own heart. I started to practice regularly, obviously at the beginning the main part of my practice was physical. The asana sequence and some relaxation.
However, when I started to notice the enormous impact it had on my mind and body, I felt I needed to dig deeper. I knew yoga wasn't only the work-out, I felt it on my own skin. So I committed to daily meditation and pranayama (breathing techniques) and that's when my life changed drastically. A clarity and deep sense of serenity started to be a part of my daily experience. I somehow knew that whatever happened outside (in the external world) this new rediscovered sense of peace couldn't be touched by it.
And then COVID happened. So my practice just got deeper, more steady and I was dedicated to it more than ever. I felt I needed to deepen my knowledge and understanding of this ancient practices. I needed a guide. I wanted a full immersion, so I decided to go to an intensive 200h Hatha Yoga Teacher Training Course in Misano Adriatco, in Italy in September 2020, at YOGAMEA SCHOOL (I will be forever grateful for this experience and for meeting all of the wonderful people and fellow teachers, and to TIMI our guide and yoga master she was the light and the biggest inspiration!) For a month we would live like true yogis eating sattvic food, waking up at dawn, practicing meditation, pranayama and asanas twice a day + philosophy of yoga and anatomy to understand better the human body and its physiology. We had many hours of adjustments classes to know how to help our future students feel comfortable and safe during the class. It's been a life changing experience. I came home to Rome (where I live) different, feeling powerful yet so humble. I knew my journey with yoga had just began. I felt I needed to share this with people who wanted to feel good in their bodies and find tranquillity in their daily life.
I started to teach right away. At the beginning only my friends and family, then I started to organize yoga classes online and in person. In January of this year I started to teach regularly a group that I called Mindful Hatha. We still meet twice a week (every Monday and Friday) on zoom, and it's been such a joy, seeing the people that I share this practice with getting to appreciate and even fall in love with yoga.

As a teacher I feel I need to continuously educate myself and deepen my personal practice in order to be able to share this knowledge with other people. That's why this year I also did 50h YIN Yoga Teacher Training, where I learned more about the deep tissues of the human body and how to stimulate and invigorate them in order to let go of the emotional and physical tensions.
Having said that, I will just add one more thing.
Every day is an opportunity to start fresh, to get to know yourself a little better, to understand how your body and mind works, so why not to try these beautiful and complete tools of yoga that are here to help you with that.
Ola Yogini